Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Lawyer in Karachi

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Top Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Law Lawyer in Karachi

Hiba is a legal transaction in which property ownership is transferred without receiving any monetary compensation in return, to reflect Islamic Teachings of generosity and charity.

Hiba must be made by both parties involved to be considered valid; donations can be either oral or written and do not require witnesses or contracts for approval.

Real Estate Law

Karachi property lawyers specialize in every aspect of real estate law, from zoning laws and ownership disputes resolution to property development financing and investment. Their knowledge encompasses both local real estate laws as well as Islamic inheritance rules; helping avoid complicated real estate transactions while safeguarding your assets.

Hiba in Muslim personal law refers to an immediate transfer of ownership of any movable or immovable property from one individual to another without consideration or transfer fees being exchanged in return. Such transfers must be declared openly and unequivocally to both donors and donees and delivered into possession before the donor dies.

Hiba-bil-Shart-ul-Iwaz is an extraordinary concept in Muslim law that involves exchanging gifts between two individuals to reflect Islamic teachings on generosity and charity. However, to comply with transfer of property law regulations it must be registered as a sale – being invalid for Co-Ownerships such as Musha or indivisibly owned properties.

Property Disputes

Hiba in Islamic law refers to the gifting or transfer of ownership of either movable or immovable property between two living persons without consideration or return in return. Once completed, this transfer cannot be altered unless both parties involved agree upon revoking it, although certain conditions or events can change its status under Islamic law rules.

Hiba includes two essential elements: Ijaab, or declaring of giving by the donor; and Qubool, accepting of said gift by its donee. A written contract and witnesses are not needed for this transaction; instead, donors should make a verbal announcement that property/item being gifted will be delivered and accepted by its donee.

An effective Hiba must be free from coercion, fraud or undue influence and must be clear and unambiguous. Furthermore, its creator must possess both the capacity and right to make such agreements.

Buying or Selling a Property

Muslim law dictates the rules surrounding gifting in specific terms. For instance, giving involves the transfer of ownership without exchange for anything tangible in return for giving someone else ownership and possessory of something. Furthermore, two witnesses and an inked Contract should always be present when dealing with large or valuable objects or properties.

As well, making a gift must be an act of free will and free from coercion or influence, and must happen immediately upon being declared by the donor. Property must also be present during this process for it to be valid; Hiba-bil-iwaz (irrevocable contract for sale equivalent) should be utilized during this process for added protection and guidance from legal advice.

Hiring a Lawyer

Karachi’s property law can be complex, and hiring a property lawyer in Karachi can help protect your interests and ensure legality in real estate transactions. A great property lawyer will have extensive knowledge of property laws and can handle a wide array of property-related issues including resolving disputes and managing rentals – they may even assist in tax matters related to real estate ownership.

Under Islamic law, hiba is defined as the uncompensated transfer of certain moveable or immovable property from one person to another without consideration being exchanged in exchange. Such transfer must take place voluntarily and expressly; furthermore, its donor must possess both capacity and right to perform this act of giving.

Hiba can be executed via written Declaration or oral statement, with two male witnesses present to witness its completion. Once made, however, hibas cannot be reversed once completed; otherwise they become invalid and won’t apply anymore.

Expert Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Law Advocate in Karachi Near Me

Gift (Hiba) refers to any transfer of property without payment of a price or as part of any coercion or domination by its donor; further, they must relinquish ownership rights over it as well.

Hiba provides essential preconditions for its application, such as having an intent to transfer property in Advance. Furthermore, this case emphasizes the necessity of date-specific evidence in cases of preemption.

Expert Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Law Advocate in Karachi Near Me

Human Rights Law

Experience and can assist with all of your real estate needs, be they buying a home or investing. No matter the scale of your transaction they can help ensure the best results possible for both transactions.

Aziz Syed, a Pakistani lawyer who specializes in human rights law and has handled cases related to religious minorities, women’s rights, forced disappearances and forced disappearances as well as speaking out against Pakistan’s blasphemy laws has long been known for being a tireless champion for justice who has helped many.

Legal Advice

Hiba (in Islamic law) refers to the voluntary transfer of ownership of property from one person to another without consideration or any consideration being exchanged in return. Hiba can take place during a donor’s lifetime and is subject to specific guidelines and requirements; to accomplish Hiba successfully a clear declaration must be issued stating this intention either verbally or written, suggesting they intend relinquishing all ownership rights by giving away property without consideration.

Furthermore, the recipient should accept their gift during the donor’s lifetime; if this cannot be accomplished then their guardian or executor can accept on their behalf. Furthermore, any gifts must pertain to existing properties rather than potential ones in order for a Hiba to be considered valid; additionally it’s advised to seek professional guidance before conducting one in order to comply with Islamic laws and protect all involved parties involved.

Property Disputes

Hiba is an Islamic property transfer method. This involves the immediate and unconditional transfer of ownership for any movable or immovable property to another without compensation or consideration; all parties involved must agree in order for this transfer to take place successfully.

Hiba law distinguishes between gifts that occur without consideration (which English law broadly encompasses) and those made under threat, coercion or fraud. Hiba focuses on transactions where no consideration changes hands between transfers of property. It excludes gifts made under threat of force or coercion as well as fraudulent means.

To be valid, a Hiba must be declared by its donor. He or she must be an adult with sound mind who identifies as Muslim; additionally, any property donated must currently belong to them as well as possessive rights over it; finally the donor must possess legal authority for giving away part or all of what will become part of his or her estate through gift.

Affordable Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Law Wakeel in Karachi Pakistan

As part of any transaction involving real estate, hiring an experienced property lawyer is highly recommended. They can guide you through the complex legal landscape and help prevent costly mistakes from being made while also making sure that transactions comply with local laws and zoning regulations.

The court underscored the fact that for any Transaction to qualify as a valid gift, three key ingredients must be fulfilled: declaration, acceptance and transference of possession.

Affordable Gifts (Hiba) in Islamic Law Wakeel in Karachi Pakistan

Legal Advice

Our legal services extend across Pakistan, offering criminal, civil, and family law expertise. We pride ourselves on protecting the interests of our clients while providing effective legal solutions.

We can advise you of all your legal rights and options in any dispute, helping to select an optimal course of action, such as mediation and arbitration, to resolve it quickly. Furthermore, if necessary we can represent you before any court.

This case involved the validity of an oral gift of property. The plaintiff claimed ownership based on an alleged oral transfer from his father; the defendant denied this claim, citing a registered sale deed as evidence that this gift was invalid. To be valid, any gift must include three essential components: offering, acceptance and delivery of possession. Furthermore, according to court precedent a transfer could take place verbally without needing to be witnessed or recorded in writing.


If you are in the process of purchasing property, working with an Experienced Lawyer is vital for its smooth transaction. They will offer guidance and support throughout all legal steps as well as dispute resolution methods, as well as aid with document review to ensure compliance with local or provincial regulations.

This case dealt with the legality of a transaction claimed by defendants to be a gift (Hiba) exempt from pre-emption. The court determined that defendants did not meet essential elements for Hiba gifts such as offer, acceptance and transfer of possession; additionally they failed to prove the transfer was free and voluntary without coercion or undue influence from either side.

Transparency in Fees

Case Description This matter concerned a dispute regarding an oral gift of land by defendants who claimed that it constituted a Hiba transaction exempt from pre-emption. However, court found that they failed to establish all the elements required of a valid Hiba agreement such as payment of consideration and bona fide intent to divest property; date, time, place, informer of gift offer etc; evidence regarding Yadashat Hiba was vague and general with discrepancies between written document and oral testimony regarding its validity.

The court further clarified that a Hiba must be free of consideration and contain specific parameters, while being unfettered by coercion or undue influence, with ownership transferred directly from donor to donee in presenti. Furthermore, when creating Roznamcha Waqiatis the donor must be present when Roznamcha Waqiati are made and present when attesting the mutation on behalf of donees.


In this case, the dispute centered around the division of property among legal heirs. The plaintiff claimed they had been disinherited due to defendants’ claim for Hiba; however, the court upheld concurrent findings by lower courts that disproved his contentions.

Courts emphasize the significance of strong evidence and meticulous documentation when asserting property rights or challenging transactions in court. While proof lies with those asserting or challenging them, when challenged in litigation the burden shifts onto them to prove legitimacy of said transactions. Furthermore, this case also illustrates how crucial it is to provide specific dates when parties possess knowledge of an unfavorable transaction when filing pre-emption suits in order to calculate preemption timeframes accurately; without this information it may become difficult calculating preemption timeframes accurately enough in order to ensure validity of claims as well as distinguish between corpus and usufruct.

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